Coming Soon

Quantum Computing - the soft way

Quantum computing – the soft way is a hands-on introduction to quantum programming and computing on near term devices, to start experimenting with quantum software now.
If you’re familiar with vectors and matrices — or willing to give it a refresh, and curious about what we can and what we can’t do now with near term devices, this is for you!

Target Audience:
software engineers, computer scientists, project managers, and everyone outside the field interested in pursuing a career in quantum technology.

At the end of the course you'll be able to:

  • Program simple quantum circuits and interpret their outputs;
  • Assess challenges, methods, and opportunities of near term devices;
  • Connect the potential of quantum computing to specific use case problems.

Course curriculum

00. Introduction

  • Welcome
  • A bit of background - what is a computer?
  • (Everything I Do) I do it differently from you
  • Rolling in the math

01. Encoding Information

  • Penny lane to computing
  • State of Mind

02. Qubits and quantum superpositions

  • Vector state
  • Vectors can be summed
  • Sphere from the Bloch
  • Superposition for good

03. Multiple qubits and the notion of entanglement

  • Adding a chair at the table

04. Quantum logic gates

  • Gate-away
  • The quantum-NOT gate
  • Y and Z gates 
  • The Phase gate
  • The Hadamard gate
  • QC SANDBOX #1- Amplitude game
  • General single-qubit gates
  • Multiple-qubit gate

05. Quantum measurement, or how to read quantum information

  • Placeholder something like Born to rule
  • Placeholder statistics/collecting
  • Choreographing interference
  • Summing up

07. Quantum circuits

  • Placeholder about gate order
  • The C-NOT gate: or how to inject entanglement in the game
  • QC SANDBOX #2 - Bell states
  • Do not forGate – recap
  • Universal gates and universal quantum computing
  • QC SANDBOX #3 - Teleportation protocol

Course curriculum

Supported by

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Digital Europe Programme under grant agreement no. 101100757.