Course curriculum
00. Introduction
- Welcome
- A bit of background - what is a computer?
- (Everything I Do) I do it differently from you
- Rolling in the math
01. Encoding Information
- Penny lane to computing
- State of Mind
02. Qubits and quantum superpositions
- Vector state
- Vectors can be summed
- Sphere from the Bloch
- Superposition for good
03. Multiple qubits and the notion of entanglement
- Adding a chair at the table
04. Quantum logic gates
- Gate-away
- The quantum-NOT gate
- Y and Z gates
- The Phase gate
- The Hadamard gate
- QC SANDBOX #1- Amplitude game
- General single-qubit gates
- Multiple-qubit gate
05. Quantum measurement, or how to read quantum information
- Placeholder something like Born to rule
- Placeholder statistics/collecting
- Choreographing interference
- Summing up
07. Quantum circuits
- Placeholder about gate order
- The C-NOT gate: or how to inject entanglement in the game
- QC SANDBOX #2 - Bell states
- Do not forGate – recap
- Universal gates and universal quantum computing
- QC SANDBOX #3 - Teleportation protocol
Course curriculum